Code Request Management

Version 1.0.1    (Release date: 16/11/2018)

The ICES Data Centre has further developed the web based Request application to include requests for Platforms and Monitoring Stations including fixed stations. The application provides a user-friendly interface for requesting Platform Codes and Monitoring Stations from ICES, and improved tracking and overview of the requested codes.

The Platform request part of the application provides improved tracking and overview of the SeaDataNet controlled vocabulary C17 while the Station request part of the application replaces the current Station Dictionary which has supported the needs of OSPAR and HELCOM monitoring assessments. With this expansion, the aim is to widen the scope of the present ICES Station Dictionary to align with the common needs of current and additional users such as SeaDataNet, BODC, HELCOM, OSPAR, EIONET and EU Directive reporting.

Login and Registration

Please contact to request a login account for the system.


Quick Code Status Check

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Web Services

The ICES Vocabulary Web Services is now available here

ICES vocabulary links

Platform Classes
ISO_3166 Countries