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Release Date: Feb 10 2025 4:00AM

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ABUNDSC Abundance coverage scale values for PARAM ABUNDSC 2016-06-23 2024-10-01
AC_AcousticDataType Acoustic data type 2016-06-03 2023-09-26
AC_AcquisitionMethod Acquisition method 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_AgePlusGroup Age plus group 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_AgeSource Age source of the sampled specimen 2016-08-23 2025-01-15
AC_CatchDataType Catch data type 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_DataAcquisitionSoftwareName Acoustic data acquisition software name 2016-06-15 2023-09-21
AC_DataProcessingSoftwareName Acoustic data processing software name 2016-06-15 2023-09-21
AC_DataUnit Acoustic data reporting unit 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_DoorType Trawling door type 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_GearExceptions Trawling gear exceptions 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_HaulValidity Haul validity 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_LengthCode Species length reporting code 2016-08-26 2023-09-21
AC_LengthMeasurementType Length measurement type of the sampled specimen 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_LogOrigin Log origin 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_LogValidity Log validity 2016-12-14 2023-09-21
AC_MaturityCode Maturity of the sampled specimen 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_MaturityScale Maturity scale 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_OnAxisGainUnit Data processing on-axis gain unit 2016-06-15 2023-09-21
AC_PingAxisIntervalOrigin Ping axis interval origin 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_PingAxisIntervalType Ping axis interval type 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_PingAxisIntervalUnit Ping axis interval unit 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_ProcessingMethod Processing method 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_SaCategory SA species category 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_SamplingFlag Flag for additional sampling 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_Sex Gender of the sampled specimen 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_SpeciesValidity Species validity 2016-08-23 2023-09-21
AC_StoredDataFormat Acoustic data acquisition stored data format 2016-06-15 2023-09-21
AC_Stratum Sampling stratum 2019-01-14 2023-09-21
AC_Survey Acoustic surveys 2016-06-03 2025-01-21
AC_TransducerBeamType Transducer beam type 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_TransducerLocation Instrument transducer location 2016-06-03 2023-09-21
AC_TriwaveCorrection Triwave correction 2016-06-16 2023-09-21
AC_WeightUnit Weight reporting unit 2016-08-26 2023-09-21
AccuracyCode The accuracy of the original measurement 2020-05-14 2023-09-21
ACORG Accrediting organisation 2012-09-11 2023-09-21
ActivityType Biological activity type 2021-02-08 2023-09-21
AdviceDraftingGroups List of ICES ADGs 2015-12-16 2025-01-30
AdviceFrequency Frequency of advice release 2025-02-06 2025-02-06
AdviceRequester Organisation requesting advice 2019-08-15 2023-09-21
AdviceType Type of advice 2019-08-15 2023-09-21
AdvScenarioDataType Data type used in the advice scenario 2019-08-15 2023-09-21
AGDET Age Determination 2006-10-23 2023-11-16
AggregationLevel Aggregation level based on trip or haul 2020-05-14 2023-09-21
AngleOfSearch Search angle of the survey team in degrees. 2021-10-27 2023-09-21
AreaNonFAO Areas used for single stock assessments not included in FAO Fishing Areas 2023-03-15 2024-12-03
Areas_GFCM_GSA GFCM Geographical Subareas, 2009 2017-11-14 2023-09-21
Areas_HELCOM HELCOM sub-basin areas, Level 2 2011-09-28 2023-09-21
Areas_HELCOM_L4 HELCOM subbasins with coastal WFD water bodies or water types 2017-01-05 2023-09-21
Areas_HELCOM_L4a HELCOM Subbasins with coastal WFD water types of water bodies approved in 2022. 2022-03-24 2023-09-21
Areas_OSPAR OSPAR regions 2011-09-16 2023-09-21
AreaType Area reference type 2016-05-27 2023-09-21
AssessmentModelName Assessment model name 2018-04-11 2023-09-21
AssessmentModelType Assessment model type 2018-04-11 2023-09-21
AssessmentPurpose Reason for the assessment 2017-10-31 2023-09-21
Association Associations between the observed birds/cetaceans and vessels/structures/floating matter. 2021-11-30 2023-09-21
ASTSA Animal state at time of sampling 2006-10-23 2023-09-21
AuxiliaryVariableName Auxiliary variables are 'extra' variables measured in association with the desired variable that might be used to increase precision of the estimate. 2023-07-11 2023-09-21
BASIS Basis of determination 2006-10-23 2023-09-21
BD_BirdSubdivision OSPAR birds subdivisions in areas I and II 2016-05-31 2023-09-21
BD_CountFlag Biodiversity count flag 2016-05-26 2023-09-21
BD_CountMethod Count method in biodiversity projects related to sea birds and marine mammals 2016-05-26 2023-09-21
BD_CountUnit Biodiversity - Birds count reporting unit 2016-05-26 2023-09-21
BD_JustificationForBaseline Biodiversity justification for baseline 2016-05-31 2023-09-21
BD_LocationDefinition Biodiversity survey location definition 2016-05-27 2023-09-21
BD_PlotSizeUnit Biodiversity plot size unit 2016-05-26 2023-09-21
BD_PrescoredSuccess Biodiversity birds prescored breeding success 2016-05-26 2023-09-21
BD_SampleBreeding Biodiversity breeding sample 2016-05-26 2023-09-21
BD_SurveyParameter Survey parameter 2016-05-31 2023-09-21
BD_TimePeriod Biodiversity observation period 2016-05-26 2023-09-21
BD_WeightingRegionID Weighting region ID 2016-05-27 2023-09-21
Beaufort Beaufort wind force scale 2021-10-13 2023-09-21
Behaviour Marine animals' behaviour, mainly relative to sea birds and cetaceans 2021-10-20 2023-09-21
Biological Effect Techniques Biological Effect Techniques 2006-10-23 2023-09-21
BiologicalMeasurementType The type of measurement being recorded 2020-05-14 2024-09-24
Boolean Boolean data type 2021-08-10 2023-09-21
BroadHabitat MSFD broad habitat types 2024-03-19 2024-05-16
BYC_Mon812Type Monitoring 812 type 2017-03-23 2023-09-21
BYC_MonMethod Bycatch monitoring method 2018-12-05 2023-09-21
BYC_MonProgr Bycatch monitoring program type 2017-03-22 2023-09-21
BYC_PingerChar Bycatch pinger characteristics 2017-03-23 2023-09-21
BYC_SamplingProtocol Bycatch sampling protocol 2017-03-22 2023-09-21
BYC_VesselLRange Vessel length range 2017-03-23 2023-09-21
BycatchMitigationDevice Incidental bycatch mitigation device 2021-06-09 2023-09-21
BycatchMitigationDeviceTarget Incidental Bycatch Mitigation Device Target Species 2021-08-13 2023-09-21
C-TS Litter reference list: CEFAS Trawl litter survey parameters (IBTS) 2015-03-29 2023-09-21
C-TS-REV Litter reference list: Revised CEFAS Trawl litter survey parameters (2013) 2015-05-20 2023-09-21
C-TS-REV2 Litter reference list: Revised CEFAS Trawl litter survey parameters (2023) 2023-08-30 2024-01-07
CalibrationProcedure Procedure used to calibrate hydrophones used in underwater noise sampling 2020-02-14 2023-09-21
CAS® Numbers CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 2006-10-23 2025-01-21
CatchCategory Catch, Lan, Dis, BMS, (slipping) 2020-05-14 2023-09-21
CatchFraction Fraction of the catch sampled 2020-05-14 2023-09-21
CatchRegistration Parts of the catch that are sampled (registered) 2020-05-14 2023-09-21
CatchScenariosBasis Basis of the catch scenarios. 2019-05-15 2023-09-21
CatchScenariosPurpose Specifies the purpose of the catch scenarios. 2019-05-15 2023-09-21
Class Class 2006-10-23 2023-09-21
Client Party who requests and/or receives an advice and/or data product 2025-02-06 2025-02-06
CLMET Calculation method basis 2006-10-23 2023-09-21
CloudCover Cloud coverage expressed in octas or in percentage brackets 2021-10-13 2023-09-21
Clustering Type of clustering used 2020-05-14 2023-09-21
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