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Marine animals' behaviour, mainly relative to sea birds and cetaceans
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CodeDescription CreatedModified
0 Unknown Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2021-10-20
100 Carousel feeding (orca) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
101 Pod splitting Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
102 Pod formation Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
103 Source avoiding behaviour Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
111 Not foraging Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
112 Diving (no specification) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
113 Active migration Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
114 Flying off (no specification) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
115 On water/swimming Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
116 Distraction behaviour Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
117 Flying (no specification) Behaviour False 2022-01-24 2022-05-11
118 Submerged Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
119 Surfacing Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
120 On artificial piece of something (platform, pole) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
121 Milling/Non-directional behaviour Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
122 Diving (marine mammals) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
123 Head out of water (seals) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
124 Not recorded Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
127 Travelling Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
128 Feeding/foraging Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
129 Cooperative foraging Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
130 Logging/resting Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
131 Vessel avoidance Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
132 Bowriding Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
30 Holding or carrying fish Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
31 Without fish Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
32 Feeding young at sea Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
33 Feeding, method unspecified Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
34 Wading, filtering or probing Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
35 Scooping prey from surface Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
36 Aerial pursuit Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
37 Skimming Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
38 Hydroplaning Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
39 Pattering Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
40 Scavenging Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
41 Scavenging at fishing vessel Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
42 Dipping Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
43 Surface seizing Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
44 Surface pecking Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
45 Deep pluging Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
46 Shallow pluging Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
47 Pursuit pluging Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
48 Pursuit diving, or bottom feeding Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
49 Actively searching Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
60 Resting or apparently asleep Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
61 Courtship display Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
62 Courtship feeding Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
63 Copulating Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
64 Carrying nest material Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
65 Guarding chick Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
66 Preening or bathing Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
67 Colony rafts Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
68 Kleptoparasitising Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
69 Circling high Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
70 Wheeling or swimming slowly Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
71 Escape from ship (rooster tail) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
72 Swimming fast, not avoiding ship Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
73 Breaching clear out of the water Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
74 At the bow of the ship Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
75 Apparently feeding - herding behaviour Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
76 Apparently feeding - other behaviour Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
77 Calf at the tail of adult Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
78 Calf swimming freely in herd Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
79 Basking, afloat Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
80 Spy-hopping Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
81 Lob-tailing Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
82 Tail/flipper slapping Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
83 Approaching ship Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-09-19
84 Only blow visible (whales) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
85 Only splashes visible (dolphins) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
86 Acrobatic leaps Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
87 Sexual behaviour Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2023-01-20
88 Play Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-05-11
89 Haul-out (pinnipeds) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
90 Under attack by kleptoparasite Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
91 Under attack (as prey) by bird Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
92 Under attack (as prey) by marine mammal Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
93 Escape diving Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
94 Flushed (disturbance) Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-10
95 Injured Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
96 Entagled in fishing gear or rope Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
97 Oiled Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
98 Sick, unwell Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
99 Dead Behaviour False 2021-10-20 2022-01-17
 (Last Modified: 21/09/2023 08:35:49)
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